Scientific Program

Scientific Program Highlights

  • Brainstorming to discuss the challenges and opportunity on Celiac Disease in Asia (Limited participants - Invitation only)
  • Workshop for dieticians
  • Half day workshop for pathologists for training in Intestinal mucosal biopsies and their classification
  • Patients' forum for education - Half day
  • Spectrum of gluten-related disorders
  • Epidemiology of celiac disease
  • Immunopathogenesis
  • Intestinal and Extra-intestinal organ manifestations
  • Diagnostic tests and diagnostic criteria for celiac disease
  • Current and Novel therapy of Celiac disease
  • Best practices in the monitoring of the disease
  • Complications of celiac disease
  • Opportunities and Challenges of diagnosis of celiac disease in Asia
  • Non - celiac gluten sensitivity
  • Other Small intestinal Disease

Asian-Pacific Celiac Disease Symposium
Saturday: March 9, 2024 | Sovereign Hall (Hall A)
Asian-Pacific Celiac Disease Symposium
Sunday: March 10, 2024 | Sovereign Hall (Hall A)